I’m Back

I could lie and tell you I’ve been on sabbatical for the last 6 or so months and that would be ‘SORTA TRUE’ but the real reasons are lack of inspiration or maybe too much inspiration and not enough desire to sit still long enough to write. I’ve spent a lot of time traveling and visiting and didn’t stop long enough where there was WIFI to post and upload even the pictures and I took a lot. I caught up on my reading,and did some exploring. I’m even learning how to read Oracle and Tarot cards. I opened a permanent flea market booth in a local vendor’s market and was just beginning to make money at it when the city decided the building was too close to the street they were widening and we lost our lease so now I’m in the process of setting up an online storefront.

It’s called The Gipsie Bodega . Please stop in and take a look – I’m working on it a little every day and despite the photos that are somehow turning sideways when I upload them is coming together -hope you are pleased, you can order through PayPal for now but in a week or so I will be taking credit cards.

Finally for those of you who actually followed my writing I will try to have something new and original ready in the next day or so. Love you all.


Stash of Books from the Witch Library of Nazi Chief Himmler Found in Prague

A collection of 13,000 occult and witchcraft books has been found recently in the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. It belonged to Heinrich Himmler, a SS Nazi chief. The collection was forgotten in the library since at least the 1950s. According to the Daily Mail , the Norwegian Masonic researcher, Bjørn Helge Horrisland said that the books had been mostly stolen and collected during World War II.(read more)

